Are Dental Implants Right For You?

Tooth loss occurs for a variety of reasons — including injury, health problems, lack of dental care and the natural aging process.

The results of tooth loss aren’t pleasant. Many people have trouble speaking and eating. There’s also an emotional toll that comes from losing a tooth or teeth, resulting in lack ofinside-pg1 confidence, reluctance to smile and a habit of trying to conceal the tooth loss.

There are long-term consequences as well. When there are open spaces where teeth should be, it can be harmful to the healthy and stability of neighboring teeth. It causes other teeth to shift and move, often leading to additional tooth loss.

A newer technique — modern dental implants — has revolutionized tooth replacement. Implants have become the go-to choice for many patients. When done correctly, implants mimic both the appearance and function of real teeth. The benefits aren’t just cosmetic, however. They also promote stability, restore proper bite, and limit bone loss, which is extremely important when natural teeth are missing.

You could receive a 10% discount on dental implants. Call our office during October 2016 to learn more.

Dental implants are very prevalent nowadays, but many people are still “new” to the concept. Implants are tiny, cylinder-like posts. Unlike dentures, implants are rooted directly into the jawbone, just like real teeth. They simulate the root of a tooth. The posts are made from titanium because the material is so compatible with bone and oral tissues.

Our staff surgically positions the implants right here at Future of Dentistry. Temporary restorations are applied, giving the implants time to “fuse” with the jaw. After the sites have healed, the implants have bonded with the jawbone, providing a strong anchor. Now you’re ready for the second part of the procedure. Crowns or bridges, which are designed to match your natural teeth, can be attached securely.

Implants can be used to anchor dentures more securely, or to replace individual missing teeth without compromising the healthy tooth structure of the adjacent teeth.

If maintained properly, dental implants can last up to 20 years. Studies show a nearly 100% success rate for this procedure. If you’re interested in implants, call our office to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Call our office at 781-245-2299 and mention this blog entry to learn about our 10% discount. This offer is open to many patients who schedule an implant procedure during October 2016.